Meerlanden uses compactor to absord the increase of paper/cardboard waste

Meerlanden, responsible for waste collection services in eight local authorities in the provinces of North and South Holland, came into being following the merger of several municipal services at the turn of the century. The company operates across a large geographical area which covers the towns of Diemen, Noordwijk and Bloemendaal. Performing waste collection services […]

Drastically reducing waste pickup frequency in the city of Cannes

In 2022 the city of Cannes in the south of France was using sixteen new underground compactors for residual waste and plastic packaging. “These underground compactors make our city cleaner and safer and at the same time they reduce pick-up frequencies,” says Florian Vincent, Projects Director for the Communaute D’agglomeration Cannes Pays de Lerins. “Back […]

How the underground compactor improves waste collection

Saving space with the underground compactor Efficient use of public space is the top prioirty of each municipality. What better way to achieve this than by compacting waste streams at the collection point. Valuable greenery no longer have to be sacrified. No longer multiple regular underground containers in a row. The underground compactor increases the […]

Why choose an underground compactor

In the first instance, the decision to opt for an underground compactor is made on the basis of its financial benefits. But there are additional benefits too: a reduced impact on (public) spaces, fewer traffic movements and reductions in carbon emissions are important factors too. To evaluate the financial benefits, at Sidcon we use the […]

What does an underground compactor cost?

In comparison to a standard underground container, the Sidcon underground compactor requires a slightly higher level of investment, but under the right circumstances this can be recouped very quickly. That means usually within just a few years. Three standard underground containers, for example, have higher acquisition costs and a lower capacity than a single underground […]

How to maintain the underground compactor

Delivering an excellent product is one thing, but making sure it is properly serviced is equally as important. Sidcon’s eight-strong team of service personnel is on hand to ensure that underground compactors are properly installed and maintained. And in the unlikely event of a disruption, quickly repaired. Each and every day, Sidcon has four vehicles […]

The ideal location for an underground waste compactor

In the right situation, the Sidcon waste compactor can provide a great deal of added value. Because of its high capacity, costs can be recouped quickly, less space is needed, which in turn means less nuisance from litter on the streets. This also results in fewer collections, fewer vehicles and fewer traffic movements around town. […]

How the underground compactor helps sustainability.

Sidcon aims to play its part in bringing about a cleaner world by maximising the sustainability of its waste collection and processing activities. In order to achieve this, we are developing innovative means of collection which optimise efficiency. In addition, we manufacture as sustainably as possible. For example, since 2021, Sidcon has been affiliated with […]

Sidcon; an innovative and sustainable company

In 2008, Sidcon delivered the first underground waste compactor for plastic, metal and drink cartons. Hot on its heels came the first underground compactor for residual waste and in 2019, the underground container for waste paper and cardboard  In the meantime, we have also developed the Presstation Bin, an underground compactor which is able to […]

Sidcon active in Europe

Sidcon may be expanding in the Netherlands, but on the international market too, cities have started discovering our underground compactors. Increasingly, Sidcon compactors are becoming part of the street scene in places like Cannes, Copenhagen and Bergen (in Norway). Each of these “smart cities” involved attach a great deal of value to a modern, efficient […]